July 20, 2013 This readme file describes how to use the program read_data.f to read the air quality data from the UCD air quality model. This program reads concentrations of one target species from one model output file, and writes to a ASCII text file. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Use the code: 1. Compile the code Under Linux, use PGI or ifort compiler to directly compile it. The code hasn't been tested with Windows compilers. pgf90 read_data.f -o read_data.exe or ifort read_data.f -o read_data.exe 2. Prepare the inputs for the program See example input parameters for PM species in read_pm.input and for gas species in read_gas.input The 1st line is the input file path and name, the 2nd line sets the lower and upper size cuts in meters. You only need to change the upper limit (the second value). For exmaple, PM2.5 is 2.5e-6, PM0.1 is 1.0e-7, etc. For gas species, you don't need to change it. The 3rd line sets the target species name, unit, and category (PM or GAS). The last one sets the output file path and name. 3. Execute the program Under Linux, ./read_data.exe < read_pm.input ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Change the output format in the code: The default output format is (xcell index,ycell index,concentration), ie.,(ix,iy,conc). To change the output format, go search "WRITE OUTPUT" section in the code, and modify this section to the format you want ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Jianlin Hu, Postdoc researcher Michael J. Kleeman Research Group University of California Davis jjlhu@ucdavis.edu mjkleeman@ucdavis.edu